Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Eno River State Park Visitor Center Construction to Limit Parking at Fews Ford Access

Aug 25, 2021

Construction of a new visitor center at Eno River State Park will limit parking at Fews Ford access through late summer 2022. Visitors should expect parking to reach capacity early in the day on weekends and good weather days. Park staff say visitors should prepare to have a wait for a parking space at Fews Ford while construction continues.

When parking at Fews Ford is full, visitors are asked to try the park’s accesses at Pleasant Green, Cole Mill, Cabelands and Pump Station. Addresses for each access can be found on the park’s website at

The new visitor center at Fews Ford will sit near the major trailheads and just below the crest of a hill above the river, with through-forest views of the park’s most popular recreational beach. The space will house educational exhibits on the natural, social and cultural history of the park and will provide a central point of operation for park staff. A broad breezeway, projecting overlook, and expansive deck at the north end of the building will offer new areas for visitors to enjoy the park.

In addition to the new visitor center, the construction project will include a new maintenance shop and additional parking. Updates on construction and the visitor center grand opening will be available on the park’s website.

About North Carolina State Parks
North Carolina State Parks manages more than 250,000 acres of iconic landscape within North Carolina’s state parks, state recreation areas and state natural areas. It administers the N.C Parks and Recreation Trust Fund, including its local grants program, as well as a state trails program, North Carolina Natural and Scenic Rivers and more, all with a mission dedicated to conservation, recreation and education. The state parks system welcomes more than 19.8 million visitors annually.

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