Topics Related to Pasquotank County

Acting governor, 1722-1724; president of the Provincial Council. His home stood 3/4 mile east.

Historian, bibliographer, collector of North Carolina books and manuscripts, professor at Trinity College, 1891-93. Birthplace 3/5 mi. E.

Governor, 1933-1937, friend of education, member of General Assembly, solicitor. Birthplace 1/4 mile north.

Founded in 1891 as Negro normal school. Four-year college after 1939. Became a university in 1969.

Culpeper and Durant led a revolt against British trade laws, seized the government 1677, 2 mi. SE.

Charles Griffin taught in this county the first known school in N.C. 1705-08.

In 1665 the Albemarle County Assembly, the initial lawmaking body in Carolina, met in this area. Convened by Wm. Drummond, governor.

(Image: Principal Peter W. Moore and students at what’s now Elizabeth City State University in 1899.)