Secretary Kluttz Visits the Coast

A 16th century cruise with elementary school students, a visit with animals on a living history farm and a historic lighting were all part of Cultural Resources Secretary Susan Kluttz’s recent trip to the coast.

Sec. Kluttz began her trip Thursday at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, where she helped relight the beacon of the Bodie Island Light Station with six descendants of one the light’s last keepers. The light had previously been dormant for four years while being restored. Later Thursday, Kluttz attended a meeting of the Roanoke Island Commission, of which she is a member. The commission oversees Roanoke Island Festival Park and several other smaller properties. After the meeting she toured the park, stopping to check on the progress of renovations of the Adventure Museum and visiting with elementary school students from her native Rowan County aboard the Elizabeth II. Sec. Kluttz concluded her trip Friday with a visit to The Island Farm. A local historic site, the Island Farm is last working farm on the Outer Banks and a partner site of the N.C. Department of Cultural Resources. See more photos from the trip here.

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