Topics Related to Governors

Governor, 1901-1905. Crusader for public education. Birthplace stands 2/3 mi. east.

Governor, 1917-21, first in state nominated by a Democratic primary, N.C. Attorney General, member state house. Home stands 1/2 mi. S.W.

Governor, 1827-28; U.S. Senator; and legislator. Compiler of revisal of N.C. laws. His home two blocks south; grave at Hayes one mile S.E.

Governor, 1933-1937, friend of education, member of General Assembly, solicitor. Birthplace 1/4 mile north.

Governor, 1808-10; U.S. Senator; Congressman. "Hope," his home, stands 4 miles northwest.

Governor, 1879-1885; Minister to Brazil; U.S. Senator; was born in a house which stood here.

On December 19, 1929, Governor O. Max Gardner sponsored a “Live at Home” dinner. The purpose of the special meal, the signature event of Live at Home Week, was to “emphasize North Carolina products and industries.”

On December 10, 1825, former North Carolina Governor William Miller died in Key West, Florida.

On December 8, 1827, James Iredell Jr. became governor.

On November 7, 1954, attorney, teacher, congressman and North Carolina Governor William B. Umstead died of heart failure.