Press Releases

Children ages 3-5 are invited to the North Carolina History Center Saturday, Oct. 10, for Tryon’s Tots: Nautical New Bern.

The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) has received a $50,000 grant from Duke Energy that will fund student tours of and studio classes related to the Museum’s fall exhibitions The Worlds of M. C. Escher: Nature, Science, and Imagination and Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Leicester and the Creative Mind.

Large questions loomed before the citizens of North Carolina in 1865 in the aftermath of the Civil War. North Carolina had to meet certain conditions to be allowed to rejoin the United States of America. Newly emancipated slaves wishing to make their desires known opened a five-day Freedman's Convention Sept. 29 in Raleigh in advance of the October State Constitutional Convention organized by white leaders. A free symposium Thursday, Oct. 1 at St. Paul A.M.E. Church will examine the two conventions.

Masters of traditional music, including Sheila Kay Adams, Bobby Hicks and John Dee Holeman will perform at the North Carolina stage during the National Folk Festival next month in Greensboro, officials announced Tuesday.

September will bring programs for all ages at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh. The month begins with three children’s programs on topics ranging from string-band music to whirligigs.

The power and vitality of North Carolina's rich literary and musical traditions will be showcased at the N.C. Museum of History Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. N.C. Poet Laureate Shelby Stephenson and author Georgann Eubanks will be tour guides for an insightful look at the words, songs and lives of the people and places east of Raleigh. The Road Scholars program and the State Library of North Carolina bring these keepers of tradition to Raleigh to share those tales.

Award-winning musician and bandleader Tyrone Jefferson has an impressive résumé. He served several stints as music director for entertainer James Brown between 1979 and 2006, and he has recorded with such artists as LL Cool J, Public Enemy and Pee Wee Ellis. 

Dream of being a daring pirate or a beautiful princess? Young dreamers are invited to the N.C. Maritime Museum during Beaufort’s annual Pirate Invasion on Friday, August 7 and Saturday, August 8.

As a volunteer docent at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh, you can meet people from around the world and share the history of the Tar Heel State. Each year the museum’s award-winning exhibits, special events, and programs for all ages attract more than 330,000 visitors. Museum volunteers provide invaluable learning experiences for visitors and assist with exciting events. Additionally, docents enjoy benefits such as field trips to historic sites, dinner programs, and an annual appreciation reception.